Whether a professional or recreational athlete, injuries can be devastating and can take you away from the sport you love the most. With that being said, sports are also a common ground for injuries due to the physical demand they put on the body. Many athletes will obtain a handful of injuries, big or small, throughout their time in the sport. Proper recovery and management is imperative when it comes to reducing the reoccurrence of injury and giving it 100%.
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) technology is a great way for athletes to combat pain regardless of where they are. The LaserTRX devices deliver this technology which works from the inside, out, promoting cell renewal and accelerating inflamed tissue recovery. It is drug-free meaning no pesky side effects that may impact one’s ability to partake in sports. LLLT device can help athletes combat a number of injuries that they may incur.
With that being said, here are some of the most common sports injuries that LLLT technology can aid with:
Rotator cuff injuries
The rotator cuff can be found inside your shoulder and injuries to this area can be quite painful. A rotator cuff injury can also decrease the mobility in your arm as the rotor cuff aids in movement and stability. This injury typically occurs when an athlete repeats the same motion consistently. Athletes who are most susceptible to rotator cuff injuries include;
Baseball players
Tennis players
Squash players
The most notable complaint when it comes to a rotator cuff injury is the lack of range of motion. Those affected typically experience pain when lifting their arm or reaching behind. Of course, for athletes that rely heavily on their upper body, this can impact their ability to partake in their sport. Rotator cuff injuries are also chronic meaning that the chance of reoccurrence is inevitable.
Strains are very common and although they are more on the mild side of the scale, they can still cause a great deal of pain and impact an athlete’s overall performance or ability to participate at all. Strains occur when a muscle is overextended. When this happens, muscle tissue can stretch or tear causing a strain. Pain from a strained muscle occurs almost instantly as well as a decreased range of motion. Strains are common throughout almost every sport out there. They can be classed as chronic or acute.
Strains and sprains typically get mixed up, but don’t be fooled, these are two completely different injuries. Whereas strains impact muscle tissue, sprains impact a ligament. Similar to strains, however, they are caused by stretching or tearing and can be seen in a variety of sports. Pain is almost instantaneous and can cause swelling, bruising, decreased range of motion, pain, and increased pain when weight is applied to the injury. Although sprains are a painful injury, there is one upside – they are acute meaning the chance off consistent pain is nominal.
Achilles tendon injuries
You may have become familiar with Achilles injuries after beloved (former) Warriors player, Kevin Durant, suffered a devastating Achilles tendon injury in the playoff finals. Although he hid the pain well, there is no denying that this is an incredibly painful injury. Symptoms include almost instantaneous pain, swelling, and trouble applying pressure on the affected leg. These injuries are commonly seen in sports that require extensive running including basketball, baseball, track events, marathons, soccer, and football. Mild-moderate Achilles tendon injuries can be treated with rest, ice, and LLL technology whereas more severe injuries in this class may require surgery.
Runner’s knee
Yet another injury that impacts athletes who bare a significant amount of demand on their legs. Runners’ knee is caused by repetitive-motion and many who do put a lot of strain on their legs do experience it to some degree. This injury typically affects those who partake in a high amount of running, walking, or biking within their respective sport. The injury can cause significant pain behind your kneecap, as well as a grinding sensation and decreased range of motion. This injury can be classed as chronic or acute, where those who put a heavy demand on their legs on a consistent basis are more susceptible to developing chronic pain.
When it comes to sports, there is always a risk of injury associated and even the smallest misstep or redundant motion can cause an injury to occur. It’s important to condition, stretch, and ensure your body is healthy prior to engaging in vigorous sporting activities. Should you get injured, LLLT technology can help you minimize pain and speed up your recovery process so you can get back to participating in the sport or sports you love!